Having Problems

I am working on my checklist and have found a nice app to keep track of reading through the Bible.  Go to our facebook page to see the app.  The purpose of this post is to help you stay connected.   The Having Problems tab of Connecting to Wellness came about reading through Genesis and learning that God created the Heavens and the Earth, living creatures and plants and humans in his own image.  So, since he created us in His image than we must have a purpose to create.  So, to help stay connected to God what are creating for Him or earthly things.   One feels you feeling fulfilled and one keeps you empty inside.  Do not forget to use the Carabiner-version-34 to stay on track.   If you would like a carabiner please contact us.

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The Connecting to Wellness Transformation Journal 2014 is ready

The Connecting to Wellness Transformation Journal 2014 is ready:

Transformation Journal for Connecting to Wellness 2014

Remember to print out Journal and put in binder.  (make sure you have enough printer ink and paper / three hole punch).   Follow instructions on how to fill out your Transformation Journal and begin your journey to Transformation.

The Journal is made to be written on purpose.  I feel there is a very strong neurological component to hand writing and brain function (connecting to God).

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Health Pill

What would you pay for a pill if you knew it was guaranteed to slow or even stop your brain from aging? Well, there is no such pill, but the great news is that based on recent information, you don’t need a pill and it doesn’t cost anything to maintain healthy mental function. Researchers have determined that the primary thing you need to do for your brain is to exercise your body! Physical exercise is an essential of wellness. Most people are aware that exercise is critical for maintaining weight, lowering blood pressure, improving sleep, decreasing stress, decreasing pain and even preventing many cancers. But if these benefits are still not enough to get you going, one 2008 study showed that just walking briskly for 45 minutes three days per week improved “mental fitness” in just six months time.  A similar study released last September showed that 20 minutes of any exercise per day resulted in improved cognitive function and memory. The best part of this study was that these benefits persisted even 12 months after exercise had been discontinued! Regardless of your reasons, the message here is that exercise works and the results are long-lasting. If you’re not exercising now, it’s time to  tart. This study and most others suggest that you need to commit to at least 120 minutes of exercise per week  in order to get the best results.  Good luck and always remember that your body was designed to be self healing.   

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What do Coffee, Tea, Alcohol and Soda have in common?  Anything you drink with caffeine or alcohol can dehydrate you by turning off antidiuretic hormone in your kidneys.  This hormone causes your kidneys to return water back to the body.  If it is shut off, you lose water.  When you take water out of your body, you dry up causing: fatigue, muscle aches, joint pain, headaches, toxicity, etc.  Staying hydrated is one of the most important things you can do to promote health!


I’m amazed with how many people “don’t like water.”  This is equivalent to saying, “I don’t like air.”  Our bodies are about 65% water by weight.  Water is one of the least forgiving of all the nutrients – you can only survive a couple days without it. It is responsible for the transport of nutrients, oxygen, and waste products, as well as regulating your body temperature and serving as the medium in which almost all of your body’s chemical reactions take place.  Drinking an adequate amount of clean water is one of the most overlooked but simple ways of keeping healthy.


Most agree that you should have around 8-10 (8 oz) glasses of water each and every day.  Others say you should take your weight in pounds and divide that number by ‘2’ and this number is the amount of water in ounces you should drink daily.  Regardless, it is my experience that most people could benefit from more water.


If you truly cannot learn to like the taste of water, I recommend mineral water, unsweetened green or black teas, water with lemon added or mixed with fruit juice.  You can substitute a couple glasses of unsweetened fruit juice each day.  However, you cannot count caffeinated tea, coffee, or soda as the water that is in these is lost through the kidneys as a result of caffeine.

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Problems caused by a L5 Subluxation

      A subluxation is a minor misalignment of the spine causing nerve interference.   Your body communicates from the brain through the spinal cord, spinal nerves and peripheral nervous system.  Your body communicates back to the brain through your nervous system.   Your nerves are like wires but much more delicate.   They are protected by the skull and vertebrae of your spine.  The spine most allow movement so you can move but protect the delicate nerves.  Abnormal stresses can cause your vertebrae to become misaligned causing nerve interference.   Spinal joints and nerves that are stressed cause pain, muscle imbalance, and nerve interference to the tissue and organs they supply.  Each vertebrae causes certain pain patterns called sclertome pain, muscles cause certain pain patterns and tingling as seen on trigger point charts and nerves cause certain problems according to what tissues and organs they supply as seen on a nerve chart.  This portion of the newsletter goes through the problems associated with one vertebrae of the spine.   You can find out what other vertebral subluxations cause by visiting www.backtolifechiropracticky.com.
L5 is the lowest lumbar vertebrae of your spine that sits on the sacrum.   Learn more at a New Patient Orientation at Back to Life Chiropractic (events calendar on www.backtolifechiropracticky.com).

Areas and Parts of the Body of L5 Vertebrae:
Lower legs, ankles, feet
Possible Symptoms of L5 Poor circulation in the legs, swollen ankles, weak ankles and arches, cold feet, weakness in the legs, leg cramps

Pain Patterns of L5 (Sclertome Pain):


Trigger Point Distribution in L5 region: on:

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Sugar – Long Lasting Effects

I really had every intention to leave sugar alone for a while, but a recent article from the Journal of Experimental Medicine has changed my mind. If you thought the extra sugar you and your kids ate at Easter had little or only a short term effect, think again.  This latest research has shown that human genes remember a sugar hit for up to two weeks and change the way your body functions.  These authors concluded that all poor eating habits have what they referred to as “dramatic and long-lasting effects” on our cells.  Regular poor eating seems to amplify this effect. This research can be added to the long list of material that suggests that ‘nurture’ is a bigger factor in determining health than ‘nature.’  We used to be taught that we were victims of our genes and that health and sickness comes down to a matter of good or bad luck.  They now know that our genes are turned on or off based on our lifestyle choices and our environment – this is the determining factor of health over disease. The life lesson here is that all the lifestyle choices we make last a lot longer than we might think.  Furthermore, because lifestyle choices change the expression of our genes, we pass these tendencies to future generations.

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Osteoporosis & PH

Osteoporosis & PH

Nearly 25 million Americans suffer with osteoporosis and the related complications of thin, porous bones prone to fracture.  Today, I’d like to start a series on the subject of calcium and strong bones. Everyone believes that strong bones are merely the result of how much calcium you can pour down.  In reality, there are numerous factors such as the type of calcium, other vitamins and minerals, physical activity and your own internal chemistry that will undermine your efforts regardless of your calcium intake.  Many researchers believe that your chemistry, specifically your pH, may be one of the most important factors.  pH in your body is the same as in your swimming pool – it’s the balance of acid and base.  By design, we are meant to be slightly basic or “alkaline” and many believe that all disease exists only in an acidic environment. In terms of strong bones, as we become more acidic (pH less than 7.3) the activity of the cells that break down bone (osteoclasts) is increased and the activity of the cells that build bone (osteoblasts) is decreased.  This means in an acidic environment, you will continuously be losing bone strength.  However, the opposite phenomenon seems to happen in an alkaline environment and you gain bone strength.  The question then should be how do we stay alkaline, and what would make our bodies acidic? The key to staying alkaline is the same as the key to reducing inflammation in the body.  You must eat a diet high in alkaline foods such as fruits and vegetables.  The primary things that increase acidity in our bodies are diets high in protein and excessive amounts of emotional stress.  Do you know what food is relatively high in dietary protein . . . dairy.  Ooops!    More on this in next post.

PH test is available at Back to Life Chiropractic as part of our Wellness Program Score Sheet.  PH strips are available at our product store.   Stop by the office to take your test or buy PH strips.  1st test is free and then $5.
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Connecting to Wellness

Church Research on Metabolic Syndrome

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Wellness Category: Feet-Arches

This gallery contains 1 photo.

Foot scanning has improved with the 3-D Foot Scanner from Footlevelers.

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Wellness Category: Nervous System-ANS

Transformation Journal for Connected to Wellness 2013 is here so start goal setting.

The strongest predictor of which men would get cancer decades later turned out not to be smoking or obesity, but rather the lack of a close relationship with their fathers fifty years before.      Johns Hopkins Medical Journal; 1974

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
 John 3:16-18

Functional MRI Results


“Positive, empowering thoughts originate
from the left pre-frontal
 “Negative, anxious thoughts
originate from the right
pre-frontal cortex.”
 For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.     Proverbs 23:7
“Do not fret or have anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants know to God.”  Philippians 4:6


Read this article about Pain Killers.       Have any question or need any help in this category.

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