Staying hydrated is one of the most important things you can do to promote health

What do Coffee, Tea, Alcohol and Soda have in common? Anything you drink with caffeine or alcohol can dehydrate you by turning off antidiuretic hormone in your kidneys. This hormone causes your kidneys to return water back to the body. If it is shut off, you lose water. When you take water out of your body, you dry up causing: fatigue, muscle aches, joint pain, headaches, toxicity, etc. Staying hydrated is one of the most important things you can do to promote health!

I’m amazed with how many people “don’t like water.” This is equivalent to saying, “I don’t like air.” Our bodies are about 65% water by weight. Water is one of the least forgiving of all the nutrients – you can only survive a couple days without it. It is responsible for the transport of nutrients, oxygen, and waste products, as well as regulating your body temperature and serving as the medium in which almost all of your body’s chemical reactions take place. Drinking an adequate amount of clean water is one of the most overlooked but simple ways of keeping healthy.

Most agree that you should have around 8-10 (8 oz) glasses of water each and every day. Others say you should take your weight in pounds and divide that number by ‘2’ and this number is the amount of water in ounces you should drink daily. Regardless, it is my experience that most people could benefit from more water.

If you truly cannot learn to like the taste of water, I recommend mineral water, unsweetened green or black teas, water with lemon added or mixed with fruit juice. You can substitute a couple glasses of unsweetened fruit juice each day. However, you cannot count caffeinated tea, coffee, or soda as the water that is in these is lost through the kidneys as a result of caffeine.

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Why we started Connecting to Wellness

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Cleaning out an annual detoxification or cleanse

Cleaning Out

Even the American Cancer Association recognizes that around 80% of cancer is related to environmental toxins – from what we eat, drink, and breathe.  According to all sources, despite some futile efforts to control it, the toxic load that we take in only seems to increase.  This is why I always recommend an annual detoxification or cleanse to attempt to flush out all the impurities, toxins, and general unwanted goop that builds up in our system over the year.

In researching different types of cleanses, I discovered that detoxification programs are considered somewhat controversial as there is not a great deal of scientific data to support their significance.  Even though I’m a fan of the data, sometimes common sense must prevail and cleaning out your system once in a while is just that.  There are dozens of methods by which to cleanse, but you must realize that just like with everything in nature, your body will do this naturally if you just give it a chance.  The first step of any detox is to clean up your lifestyle for a few weeks.  This means taking a break from the sugars and artificial sweeteners, the processed grains, the hydrogenated oils, and any other chemicals such as caffeine, nicotine, or alcohol.  For a few weeks, try committing to just fruits, vegetables, and lean meat that has never seen the deep fryer.  This toxic vacation will give your liver, kidneys, colon, and skin to work naturally and clean out.

If you simply cannot commit to this amount of time, you could do an accelerated cleanse by using different herbs such as milk thistle, dandelion root, or burdock.  Unsweetened green tea and diluted cider vinegar have also shown benefit.  Every major vitamin company has their own detox program using their supplements.  Any of these programs should include extra water and fiber to help clean out.  Fresh squeezed lemon water first thing in the morning is effective as are foods such as spinach, kale, red peppers, garlic, cabbage, brussel sprouts, and cilantro.  Check out the Wellness Category:  Nutrition to get your toxicity questionnaire as well as a guide to cleansing and detoxifying!    Check out our Connecting to Wellness Internet Store to check out different cleansing and detoxifying products:

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Proven formula to improve your soccer skills Guaranteed to massively increase your confidence, make you fearless, and noticeably improve the way you play Soccer.

Order Soccer Positive Mastery

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How to Fill Out Meal Ratio Tracking Forms

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Connecting to Wellness Store

It is now easier than ever to reach your Health Goals with our new Connecting To Wellness Store.    Everything you need to complete your Health Goals is in the Connecting to Wellness Store.   Follow the link to check it out:


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2015 Transformation Journal for Connecting to Wellness

The 2015 Connecting to Wellness Transformation Journal is now available.

Transformation Journal for Connecting to Wellness 2015

Plan now to use your Transformation Journal daily. The following ways will help you receive the maximum benefits from your journal.


 *List miracles, blessings and significant events from the following year

*Write your GOALS for the upcoming year.




 *For the current week, list your WEEKLY GOALS.

*Write down each Small Group member stated weekly prayer request in the SMALL GROUP    


 *Write down a memory verse to remember.

*At the end of each week, examine your goal list and check off those goals which you completed.

*Write down sermon notes and ideas.



 *Write down an affirmation for the day to remember for that day (suggestions in the back of journal).

*Set your goals for the day using the DAILY LIST TOP 10. (at the end of the journal).


 *Record goals you have achieved.

*Write down any blessing, prayers answered, significant events or ideas.

*Write down any positive things that have happened for that day.

*List one thing that you are thankful for.


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120 Commandments

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Nearly 25 million Americans suffer with osteoporosis and the related complications of thin, porous bones prone to fracture. Today, I’d like to start a series on the subject of calcium and strong bones.

Everyone believes that strong bones are merely the result of how much calcium you can pour down. In reality, there are numerous factors such as the type of calcium, other vitamins and minerals, physical activity and your own internal chemistry that will undermine your efforts regardless of your calcium intake.  Many researchers believe that your chemistry, specifically your pH, may be one of the most important factors.  pH in your body is the same as in your swimming pool – it’s the balance of acid and base.  By design, we are meant to be slightly basic or “alkaline” and many believe that all disease exists only in an acidic environment.

In terms of strong bones, as we become more acidic (pH less than 7.3) the activity of the cells that break down bone (osteoclasts) is increased and the activity of the cells that build bone (osteoblasts) is decreased. This means in an acidic environment, you will continuously be losing bone strength.  However, the opposite phenomenon seems to happen in an alkaline environment and you gain bone strength.  The question then should be how do we stay alkaline, and what would make our bodies acidic?

The key to staying alkaline is the same as the key to reducing inflammation in the body. You must eat a diet high in alkaline foods such as fruits and vegetables.  The primary things that increase acidity in our bodies are diets high in protein and excessive amounts of emotional stress.

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Connecting to Wellness Coaching Testimonial

I started working with Dr. Schuler as a last ditch effort for some serious back issues. I was told by my MD that I had bulging and herniated disks that will require surgery. Painkillers didn’t work and PT wasn’t an option. Because of the risk of surgery I was willing to try anything for some type of relief and avoid surgery. I didn’t have much faith in Chiropractic medicine. Honestly my first couple of appointments I thought I was wasting my money. I mentioned this to Dr Schuler and he explained a timeline and a game plan that would, over time relieve my symptoms and allow my injuries to heal naturally.

Over several months my pain started to subside with the occasional flare up. During these couple of months Dr. Schuler was very honest and always made time for me even after hours. I am on the road a lot for work so it was hard to make office hours.  No matter what time it was he always had time to help me.

During a visit he mentioned that my weight was also causing me to have back problems and slowing my recovery. I laughed at him. I explained that over the years I have tried to lose weight but would always get sidelined because of an injury (Normally back related). He offered to help me with a weight loss program that I could handle while I was recovering from my back issues. I agreed to the program since everything he predicted with my back was coming true.

I started my weight loss journey at 300 pounds. I was also on high blood pressure medication and was just advised to start cholesterol lowering medications. Dr. Schuler gave me a nutritional/diet plan. The diet plan isn’t bad at all. Yes I missed the stopping by the local fast food joint for a burger or pizza. After the 2nd week I was allowed to enjoy a cheat meal. So I no longer missed the fast food. Because I could still have it as long as I followed the diet plan the rest of the time.

Dr. Schuler set up a workout routine that I could handle and that would not agitate my current back issues. He even let me use a piece of equipment from his home so it wouldn’t cause additional back problems. The best part was that every work out he was right next to me doing the same thing I was doing. If anything caused me issues with my back he quickly took care of it and reworked the routine.

The best part was halfway through the program I visited MD for my follow up on my blood pressure meds and to get more bloodwork. I got a call directly from my MD asking what I was doing. My cholesterol had dropped drastically. He told me keep it up. By the way I had asked him for help on a diet plan or way to lose weight. He didn’t have much to offer me for advice. About 2weeks later I started getting light headed and really tired. I checked my blood pressure only to find out I was really low. I called my MD and during my appointment I was advised my dose was too high. He told me that if I keep up the hard work on my weight loss he would have to wean me off the meds. The very next week on the lower dose the same thing happened. NO MORE BLOODPRESSURE MEDICENCE FOR ME.  They ran more blood work and found out that all of my levels are perfect.  NO CHORESTEROL MEDICENCINE NEEDED.


I am now in the 250’s and dropping weight weekly. I am feeling great and my back problems have improved so much and each day it’s improving. I have learned so much working with Dr Schuler. If I can lose weight and get off all of my meds while dealing with my back injury YOU CAN TO. I started this journey thinking that Dr Schuler was crazy telling me I could do this. I drove him nuts and wasn’t the easiest to work with. He never gave up on me and always addressed my concerns. If you read this and think it’s not true, Ask Dr. Schuler for my phone#. I will be glad to talk with you or even meet with you. He has given me my life back!  BACK TO LIFE CHIROPRATICS IS THE REAL DEAL!!!!!


Thanks for all of the help Doc!



Michael Parsons

Name: Michael Parsons Act: Wellness Tracking Sheet
NUTRITION Date: Results Scale Date: Results Scale Date: Results Scale Date: Results Scale
BMI 6/7/2014 46 1 10/3/2014 41.5 1
BM 6/7/2014 WNL 3 WNL 3
Balance Body Chemistry 6/7/2014 100 1 10/3/2014 37 1
PH 6/7/2014 7 3 10/3/2014 5 1
Zyto 6/7/2014 73 1 10/3/2014 82 1
WHR 6/7/2014 1.05 1 10/3/2014 1 1
B.P. 6/7/2014 149/91 1 10/3/2014 127/77 3
SubMax Test to much pain 10/3/2014 174 3
1 Mile Test
R.O.M. 6/7/2014 52.52 1 10/3/2014 80 2
MRULFP-WEEK Failed 1 Pass 3
SEMG 6/7/2014 78.89 2 10/3/2014 75.63 2
Visual PS 6/7/2014 Failed 1 10/3/2014 Failed 1
X-Ray Analysis
Nervous System-ANS
Thermal 6/7/2014 72.82 2 10/3/2014 73 1
PWP 14 1 1 1
FL Scanner 6/7/2014 104 1 10/3/2014 109 1
Blood Work
Wellness Score Total 50% 61%
Michael Parsons
  Normal Values 01/31/2014 05/28/2014 09/09/2014
Cholesterol, Total 0-200 204






Triglycerides 0-150 252












Wellness Score 50% 67% 83%
4/23/2014 6/7/2014 10/3/2014
Back Problems

Daily Activities


Unable to perform


Unable to perform


Able to Perform

Medications Pain Medication

Muscle relaxers



Height 5’7 5’7 5’7
Weight 293.8 265
Dip tobacco








Wellness Score 50% 61%
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