We are always getting asked how to make our Meal Ratio shakes so we are starting to put together some videos on how to make Meal Ratio shakes. Here is a simple one that all the products can be bought at Kroger or most grocery stores. This one uses the Magic Bullet but in past we have used shaker cups. Check those videos out on our YouTube channel. There is no excuse for eating fast food or junk food.
Magic Bullet Meal Ratio Drink Milk, Banana, and Egg White Protein
Daily Affirmations to help keep you connected by using your journal
One of the biggest challenges in today’s society with all the social media is staying connected to God to let His Spirit manifest in you to let His will influence the world. His will not yours is what will influence the world in supernatural ways. By using the daily affirmation in your Transformation Journal for Connecting to Wellness 2015 you can become more connected to God to sustain this goal. Even if you are having trouble keeping up with your Transformation Journal you can always do the Daily Affirmations portion. Watch prior videos on how to use your Transformation Journal by subscribing to our YouTube channel. Here is a short video on how to use the Daily Affirmation section of the journal. Remember we have you print out the Journal so you hand write in your journal to improve your Nervous System score because of it’s para-sympathetic activity.
Join Medi-Share. Affordable, Biblical Healthcare
Join Medi-Share. Affordable, Biblical Healthcare. My family and I recently joined Medi-Share. If you follow the checklist and improve your score to wellness it will save you even more money with Medi-Share.
Follow this link to sign up: http://bit.ly/1HnJzpj
I Use to Do That
One of the reasons we started Connecting To Wellness was because of the vast number of patients that would say: “I use to do that.” But, I quit doing it for some reason or other.
You give them nutritional advice: “I use to do that.” You give them exercise program: “I use to do that.”
Here are some stretches: “I use to do that.” Try using this pillow to help with your curvature: “I use to do that.”
Try this meditation program: “I use to do that.” “I felt a lot better when I did that.”
It’s easy to do things for 30 days or even for several months but to be truly healthy you need to say: “I do that” again and again.
That is why we came up with Connecting to Wellness website to help people meet their health goals again and again and stay on track.
Shaker Meal Ratio drink milk, cashews, and egg white protein. Another example of how to make a quick and simple meal ratio shake from www.connectingtowellness.com
We are always getting asked how to make our Meal Ratio shakes so we are starting to put together some videos on how to make Meal Ratio shakes. Here is a simple one that all the products can be bought at Kroger or most grocery stores. We sell shaker cups at our office, not on the online store, yet. But, they have become more popular and can be bought almost anywhere now.
To cut your risk of almost every variety of cancer by over 50% you need to exercise regularly and eat the recommended 5-13 servings of fruits/vegetables each day.
To cut your risk of almost every variety of cancer by over 50% you need to exercise regularly and eat the recommended 5-13 servings of fruits/vegetables each day.
A couple of years ago, the American Cancer Association announced that cancer rates had finally stopped rising for the first time in U.S. history. Unfortunately, this has happened only at a point when nearly 1 in 3 Americans born in modern times are expected to die of cancer. Despite advances in early diagnosis and more aggressive treatments, the fight against cancer is not a battle you want to engage. Your best strategy is to implement a plan that helps you avoid developing cancer in the first place. Like everything else, the research shows that this begins with a healthier lifestyle. Here is a list of tips to work on:
To cut your risk of almost every variety of cancer by over 50% you need to exercise regularly and eat the recommended 5-13 servings of fruits/vegetables each day. You should focus on green vegetables and antioxidant fruits such as blueberries and raspberries. You also need to avoid as much processed grains, sugars and high fructose corn syrup. Sugar has been known for over 100 years to “feed” cancer. A great deal of research has linked proper vitamin D levels to reduced cancer. This means getting proper sun exposure and supplementation in the winter months. Omega-3 fatty acids have also been proven to be important by reducing inflammation. Taking a supplement such as fish oil is a great strategy. Conversely, you need to avoid the processed vegetable and corn oils at all costs. Instead of fried food, you should boil or steam foods or better yet eat foods raw as often as possible. Finally, I’ve read that 85% of all cancers are related to environmental toxins related to what we eat, drink, and breathe. Watch for pesticides on food and carefully consider the household chemicals you use. Investing in water and air filtration and eating fresh, organic foods may be some of the best investments you can make. While there are no guarantees, this list of relatively simple strategies will decrease your risk while also improving your overall health.
Check out the side bar to order Juice Plus if you are having a tough time eating the amount recommended of fruits and vegetables a day. Our kids love them, gummies, and so do I. Check out our online store for fish oil and other green products plus UltraMeal metabolic powder for helping lower VAT in your body and help blood sugar levels. Shoot for a Wellness score on your Master Score and Individual score sheets.
Shaker Meal Ratio UltraMeal Strawberry and Water. No excuses for junk food or fast food.
We’ve added an Ultrameal Meal Ratio shake (they are a complete meal ratio without any added food) to show how easy it is to make a metabolic drink instead of eating fast food or junk.
We are always getting asked how to make our Meal Ratio shakes so we are starting to put together some videos on how to make Meal Ratio shakes. UltraMeals are sold on our online store in different flavors and types. We sell shaker cups at our office, but not on the online store, yet. But, they have become more popular and can be bought almost anywhere now.
Shaker Meal Ratio drink V8 Splash, Cashews, Jay Robb Egg White Protein
We are always getting asked how to make our Meal Ratio shakes so we are starting to put together some videos on how to make Meal Ratio shakes. Here is a simple one that all the products can be bought at Kroger or most grocery stores. We sell shaker cups at our office, not on the online store, yet. But, they have become more popular and can be bought almost anywhere now. We will add some Ultrameal Meal Ratio shakes next (they are a complete meal ratio without any added food).
Connecting to Wellness is a website and blog dedicated to helping people improve their health. This video helps those interested in using Connecting to Wellness website and blog understand how the website and Connecting to Wellness system works.
Test your PH: Nearly 25 million Americans suffer with osteoporosis and the related complications of thin, porous bones prone to fracture
Nearly 25 million Americans suffer with osteoporosis and the related complications of thin, porous bones prone to fracture.
Everyone believes that strong bones are merely the result of how much calcium you can pour down. In reality, there are numerous factors such as the type of calcium, other vitamins and minerals, physical activity and your own internal chemistry that will undermine your efforts regardless of your calcium intake. Many researchers believe that your chemistry, specifically your pH, may be one of the most important factors. pH in your body is the same as in your swimming pool – it’s the balance of acid and base. By design, we are meant to be slightly basic or “alkaline” and many believe that all disease exists only in an acidic environment.
In terms of strong bones, as we become more acidic (pH less than 7.3) the activity of the cells that break down bone (osteoclasts) is increased and the activity of the cells that build bone (osteoblasts) is decreased. This means in an acidic environment, you will continuously be losing bone strength. However, the opposite phenomenon seems to happen in an alkaline environment and you gain bone strength. The question then should be how do we stay alkaline, and what would make our bodies acidic?
The key to staying alkaline is the same as the key to reducing inflammation in the body. You must eat a diet high in alkaline foods such as fruits and vegetables. The primary things that increase acidity in our bodies are diets high in protein and excessive amounts of emotional stress.
Remember if you are encountering a huge amount of emotional stress to test your PH often. It is one of the individual test that makes up your Master Score Sheet. Then, if needed change your diet using the PH form in the Nutritional section on PH. Then, if still having trouble getting alkaline use some green products from our online store:
order Juice Plus . Great for Kids to keep alkaline. I love the gummies myself when needed. Test your PH: Nearly 25 million Americans suffer with osteoporosis and the related complications of thin, porous bones prone to fracture