$5 off UltraMeal Products till 03/14/2015

Order your UltraMeal Products on our online store and use this coupon:  5offultra

to get $5 off each Ultrameal Product you order. Expires this Saturday!!!

Ultrameal Example:

Nutritional Support for the Management of Conditions Associated with Metabolic Syndrome

UltraMeal® is a medical food formulated to nutritionally support the management of conditions associated with metabolic syndrome, such as central obesity, insulin resistance, and altered body composition.

UltraMeal® has been demonstrated to have a low glycemic index (referenced against glucose) and along with a healthy dietary program and regular exercise is designed to support a healthy body composition by targeting fat loss and helping to maintain lean muscle.

Each serving of UltraMeal provides:
15 grams of non-genetically engineered, identity-preserved soy protein.
5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF) body-ready, nature-identical folate to promote healthy homocysteine levels for cardiovascular health.
Low-glycemic-index meal option to help maintain healthy blood sugar levels.
Good source of fiber to support gastrointestinal health.
600 mg of dairy-free calcium (60% RDI). Calcium, along with regular exercise and a healthy diet, can play a significant role in reducing the rate of bone loss or bone thinning and protecting bone strength.
Promotes the loss of fat while helping to maintain lean muscle mass.
Provides a low-glycemic-index meal option to help maintain healthy blood sugar levels.
Provides L-5-methyltetrahydrofolate–a body-ready folate to promote healthy homocysteine levels for cardiovascular health.
Supplies a good source of fiber to support gastrointestinal health.
Dairy-free source of calcium for bone health.

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Theta Waves are God Sounds that help calm the nervous system

Connecting to Wellness has been using Theta sounds for several years.    Why?

Christian Meditation Breakthrough Technology

 By listening to a special combination of frequencies you can automatically synchronize yourself into the optimal state of mind for the word of God to start working in you.

Here’s how it works. Your brain produces electrical currents that correspond to its state of consciousness. There are four kinds of brainwave frequencies: Alpha, Beta, Theta, and Delta. These names are simply a way to describe the wave pattern, or speed of the frequency. Alpha happens during light sleep. Beta is your busy day frequency. Theta is associated to deep relaxation and meditation. And Delta occurs during the deep sleep state.

We believe that God created all brain wave frequencies for a purpose. Theta in particular is described by experts as the state of mind in which a person is aware of both the spiritual and physical. Theta is the state of mind that most people associate as being “aware”. Many Christian monks and ancient Rabbis experienced the same sense of “awareness” of God after months or years of studying and meditating on the Word of God. The ability to consciously generate Theta brain waves was implanted in the mind by God as a way to commune with Him. Today many serious devotees of Christ are singledly focused on the practice of experiencing God this way.

Interstellar “Theta” Sounds
Our advanced sound-matrixing technology allows us to compose a soundscape of musical tones, sonic fequencies, and subsonic frequencies (just below normal hearing). At times you may hear a low humming sound in the background, on other occasions you might hear higher frequencies, this is the sonic and subsonic sound-matrixing at work.



  Click Here!    To buy Supertheta Brain Charger.

Where did the concept of sonic and subsonic frequencies come from?
In the fall of 1977 two Voyager spacecraft were launched to investigate interstellar space. The Voyagers were equipped with specially designed instruments to detect and record the audible vibrations of deep space. The Voyagers returned the data to Jet Propulsion Laboratory for NASA to study and analyze.

The sonic and subsonic frequencies you hear were created in our studio by simulating the original Voyager recordings. What the Voyagers recorded is literally the sound of God’s creation moving in outer space.

Within the NASA recordings our audio ministers discovered low frequency “theta” sound waves. Our sound engineers examined the naturally occurring theta sounds in space and created specially designed frequencies for our guided Christian meditation programs. These sounds are not music, although at times they may sound like music they are not. They are continuous sound frequencies that change in pitch and tone. This is important because without a musical pattern to fixate on, the brain cannot slow down to enter a deep state of meditation or “theta”.

Guided Christian Meditation Programs (Theta Mode)
Sonic and sub-sonic sound matrixes embedded within each audible-voice program composed tend to induce deep relaxation that naturally lead the mind into Theta . The result is blissful Christian meditation.

To enable the healthiest and richest experience our audible voice programs include guided Christian relaxation techniques focused around the word of God. Godly thought is literally deposited into the subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is what drives your conscious mind, and the more you listen the more your conscious mind will enact your newly found God intelligence.

Our programs are unlike anything else. They are literally designed to ignite the Spirit of God within you so that you can accomplish any goal, conquer any fear, or eliminate any habit, in the ways of God.

At the end of each session you will feel charged with new energy and vitality, and feel closer to God. Our users report feeling renewed, more alert, more centered, and feeling like you’re on top of the world.

What Does Christian Meditation Feel Like?
Sonic tones, sub-sonic tones, and colorful spoken imagery combined with your faith stimulate the brain to release endorphins. In this state of mind most people report feeling close to God, emboldened with courage, joyfully lucid of mind, and powerful. In this state of mind they “know” all things are possible!

Because Christ Audio programs deliver these special frequencies in a recorded format anyone can quickly realize the benefits of deep relaxation and Godly thought at the highest levels of mind easily and effectively.

Psychologists and neurologists for decades have believed that in a Theta state of mind a person can change dramatically.



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Heart Health

Heart Health

I was attracted to an article titled “The Real Cause of Heart Disease” written by a heart surgeon of 25 years experience.  His article was more of a retraction letter apologizing for the bad advice he had promoted over the years.  He stated that the standard advice of cholesterol lowering medications and a low-fat diet are no longer scientifically or morally defensible.  25% of the population is taking cholesterol drugs, yet more Americans are dying of heart disease every year and 75 million Americans are currently suffering with some level of the disease.

This surgeon sited recent research proving that inflammation in the artery wall is the real cause of heart and all cardiovascular disease.  Without this inflammation, cholesterol wouldn’t accumulate in the vessel lining to begin with.  It’s the inflammation that traps cholesterol in the internal lining of the arteries.  From this point-of-view, cholesterol in the arteries is not the cause of heart disease, but merely a symptom.  Inflammation from diet and stress is the real cause and also the solution.  What causes this inflammation?  It’s the processed carbohydrates such as sugar and flour products as well as the omega-6 corn, vegetable, soybean and sunflower oils.

To solve the heart disease epidemic we must begin to choose more natural and complex carbohydrates such as fruits and vegetables over the processed grains and sugars.  Likewise, we don’t need to avoid fat because that strategy has not worked either.  Rather we need omega-3 fats found in fish and flax oils, organically raised animal meat and nuts such walnuts, pecans, and hazel nuts.  Eggs from free-range organic chickens will also contain these healthy fats.

This surgeon is advocating the same method we teach in our Connecting to Wellness program – low glycemic diet, exercise, fish oil and stress reduction.  This is the model that promotes health and reduces disease.  It’s not new information; I just found it refreshing to hear it from an accomplished cardiovascular surgeon.

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the premier Christian self-help program Super-Theta Brain Charger is available for download!

think your way to a better life

think your way to a better life

Right now, the premier Christian self-help program Super-Theta Brain Charger is available for download!

Click Here!

It is going to change the self-help industry forever!

Say GOODBYE to secular programs…

Super-Theta Brain Charger is the most effective way to help you achieve your goals based on Christian principles. Learn simple relaxation techniques, visualize with Jesus, and let your mind automatically absorb Biblical affirmations.

– Based on Dr. Benson’s Genetic Work at Harvard
– Balance Your Mind With The Word Of God
– Change Thought Patterns
– Focus Your Mind On Good Health
– Learn How To Think Energy Producing Thoughts
– Practice Stress Reducing Relaxation Techniques
– Visualize With Jesus and the Holy Spirit
– Think Your Way To A Better Life


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How to Fill out your Connecting to Wellness Individual Score Sheet BMI

How to Fill out your Connecting to Wellness Individual Score Sheet BMI. This video is to help you fill out your Connecting to Wellness Individual Score Sheets to fill out the Master Score Sheet to get your individual Wellness Score. Then use your Connecting to Wellness Checklist to start improving your health one goal at a time.

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How to Fill out your Connecting to Wellness Individual Score Sheet Blood Pressure

How to Fill out your Connecting to Wellness Individual Score Sheet Blood Pressure.

Download your Individual Connecting to Wellness Score Sheets.

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preventing osteoporosis and maintaining strong bones: exercise

As we end the discussion on preventing osteoporosis and maintaining strong bones, let’s review what we know so far. In the last two weeks we have discussed that you need to keep your pH alkaline rather than acidic and we said you need the right balance of other nutrients including magnesium, and vitamins D and C to truly benefit from the calcium that you take in. To satisfy both of these criteria, your best choice of dietary calcium will be from the dark green vegetables.

I’ve saved the most important factor for last. Several years ago Harvard did a study on calcium and strong bones. In this study they took four groups of people. The first group took prescription grade calcium and did nothing else. The second group took the same prescription and exercised five times each week. The third group took placebo (fake) calcium and did nothing else. And the final group took the placebo and exercised five times each week. The researchers believed that the two prescription groups would get the best results. However, after several months, the only two groups that showed an increase in bone density were the two groups who exercised. Of these two groups, the ones taking the calcium did slightly better than the placebo, but the difference was not considered significant. Their conclusion was that moderate exercise for at least 20 minutes three times per week was critical for proper bone strength.
In the end, the key to healthy bones in the body is the same key as healthy anything else – eat a natural diet high in fruits and vegetables and exercise regularly!

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See how ZYTO Technology uses galvanic skin response and biofeedback to measure your body’s coherence to stimuli

See how ZYTO Technology uses galvanic skin response and biofeedback to measure your body’s coherence to stimuli.

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What is the Value of Dairy in Preventing Osteoporosis VS “Greens”

What is the value of dairy in preventing osteoporosis.  While it is true that all milk products are a rich source of calcium, there is still great debate as to whether dairy consumption truly maintains strong bones.  One of the problems with dairy is that it is relatively high in protein and last week we shared the research that high protein diets tend to cause calcium to be dumped in the urine.

To increase bone strength you need other ingredients in addition to calcium.  For instance you need vitamin D3 which helps move calcium out of the gut and into the blood.  You also need magnesium to get calcium out of the blood and into the bone.  Dairy is relatively low in magnesium, so unless you’re getting this mineral from other sources, your milk calcium will be relatively ineffective.  I realize this information may be shocking to some because we’ve been conditioned to drink milk for strong bones.  However, while milk is rich in calcium, there has never been a study proving that dairy reduces the risk of osteoporosis.  When you think about it, we are the only mammals on the planet who drink milk after we are weaned.  To my knowledge there is not an epidemic of osteoporosis in horses or elephants related to their lack of dairy!

But you still need calcium, so what should you do?  The foods that have the best balance of calcium and the other necessary nutrients are once again, the “greens”.  We should all be getting our calcium from sources such as broccoli, cabbage, kale, romaine lettuce, and spinach.  Believe it or not, turnip and collard greens seem to be one of the healthiest sources.  Are you starting to see a pattern here for how to eat?  Keep doing your Connecting to Wellness Score sheets and Checklists and keep learning about Connecting to Wellness.

Later I will discuss the most important factor for strong bones.


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Changing the Brain learning Memory Verses

Stress physiology is the perfect response to emotions of stress (fear, anxiety, worry, guilt, anger, etc.) — survival

Stress doesn’t even need to be a real threat – Werewolves

Can even be a real threat from memory!

The body responds perfectly either to the way God made you or to the interference you put there through the way you eat, move, and think!

This means that disease is a perfect response to interference.

You can fight the disease to remove the interference.

Changing the Brain learning Memory Verses

1.Write the Scripture you want to memorize in your or on blank business card stock. Begin with the topic of the verse and follow with the reference. Write the verse out and repeat the reference. Write the meaning of the verse, in your own words, on the back of the business card. For example, “Don’t worry. Matthew 6:25. So I tell you, don’t worry about the food or drink you need to live, or about the clothes you need for your body. Life is more than food, and the body is more than clothes. Matthew 6:25.”

  1. Read the Transformation Journal for Connecting to Wellness 2015 for day or the front of the business card out loud several times two or more times each day. You can do this while sitting at a traffic light, during meal times or between classes. Create a visual that reminds you of the verse, such as seeing clothes and food in a circle with a bright red line through the circle and the words “Don’t worry” flashing above it in vibrant neon colors.
  2. Create a tune for your verse, and sing it or find a tune that works well with your verse. Check books of Scripture songs to see if someone has already put the verse to music. Sing the verse several times a day as you walk or engage in other physical activity.
  3. Share your verse with someone, and teach it to him. You will retain more of the verse by teaching it than by utilizing other memorization tools, according to Strategies for Success.

5.Rehearse your verse at the end of each day. Include revisiting what the verse means to you during this study time. Think of ways to apply the verse. Spend 10 to 15 minutes doing this just before you go to sleep so this Scripture is the last thing you work with before going to sleep. Ask God to help you remember and commit the Scripture to memory as you sleep.

  1. Review your memorized verse at least once per week after you can accurately repeat it. This will allow you to move the Scripture from short-term memory to long-term memory.

Try this technique in your combined with reading your Bible on your Connecting to Wellness Cheat Sheet Checklist and start improving your Wellness Score.

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