Christ Audio has new app
Here is a short e-mail we received from Christ Audio:
Over the last 30 days you’ve probably watched our site completely transform.
Well, it’s done… and now I want to offer you a gift, our new app.
Our audio ministers worked really hard to get this app into the market with no advertisement.
Download the new app now and you get…
- Our Mini Meditations for those times when you need a quick break with God. Plugin and meditate in less than 10 minutes.
- Our Subliminal Boosters to listen when you’re active.
- Our new Meditation Music Radio. Need to sleep, relax, meditate, study, concentrate? We’re now broadcasting 24/7, so we’re with you all the way.
We pay for all the technology and communication fees… so there’s no charge for the app.
We ask for one favor in return. Because our audio ministers worked so hard to get this service out to you at no cost, I was hoping you can show your love with a positive review.
It would mean a great deal to them to read all the reviews. They work quietly in the background while praying for you every day.
That’s all we ask in return… a little love.
Here’s the app link:
We love you and we’re praying for you every morning between 4 AM and 6 AM.
P.S. One last thing, over the next few months we’re going be adding more mini meditations, more boosters, and more radio content… I know you’ll enjoy it!
So keep the app, use it, and watch it grow.
Get the app:
I’ll see you in the kingdom,
Walk/Run Races in KY
Here are some Walk/Run 2016 races in Oldham County, KY:
(we have several members in different states so let us know of any races that your group might be interested in)
YMCA Annual Oldham County Festival Race 5K Run/Walk: Friday, July 15. Register online at
Fastline Fun-Raising 5K Run/Walk: Saturday, August 13. Register online at
KSP SBC Trooper Island Scenic Road 5K and 1 Mile Walk: Saturday, August 27. Register online at
Improve your Cardiovascular Health utilizing the Back to Life System:
Beta Connecting to Wellness Transformation Journal on Excel for Mobile Devices, and computers.
Let us know how you like the Beta Connecting to Wellness Transformation Journal on Excel for your mobile devices and computer.
Posture Proof
Posture Proof
In the past I have discussed the importance of maintaining good posture and maintaining the proper position of the neck. I also warned of habits such as texting, gaming, sewing, and even reading with head bent forward and how this can lead to numerous problems. While I hope this makes some common sense, part of me presumes you would expect this kind of advice from one of those crazy chiropractors much in the same way those crazy dentists are always hounding us about flossing our teeth. But just why is neck posture so important?
Beyond the painful symptoms of neck pain, shoulder problems and tension headaches, proper position and curvature of the neck relates to some very real and critical health functions. For example, multiple research studies show a loss of the normal curvature of the neck will reduce lung capacity by up to 30%. Calliet, M.D. reported that decreased spinal curves and position affect the heart, lungs, and digestive systems. In 1979, Korr displayed that faulty posture of the neck weakens the immune system and increases sensitivity to pain. In a 2001 edition of Neurology India, it was reported that upper neck problems often result in disturbances in gait, dizziness, and loss of balance. In 1974, Reich, M.D. reported that the decreased blood from abnormal posture is a major factor in all disease including cancer. Dr. Freeman reported in 1997 that posture deviations result in overall poor health and quality of life as well as shortened lifespan. Similar findings were reported in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery in 1981 stating that loss of spinal curves increase mortality and can take up to 14 years off your life.
So don’t just take my word for it! Maintain proper posture with good habits, exercise, chiropractic and massage. Impress upon your kids that this is so important because like everything else, the mistakes they make now will be paid for later in life. Look better, feel better and minimize these health problems simply by taking pride in your posture! Oh, and keep flossing those teeth as well.
About the Bowel
While it’s probably not the most popular subject of conversation, it is important and I’ve had several questions this week about problems related to lower digestion and bowel function. The primary function of our intestinal system is to absorb the nutrients that our cells require for energy and cell division and to eliminate waste and toxins that would be harmful to those same cells. Surprisingly, the lining of the inside or our digestive system is similar to the lining or the outside of our body – the skin. Just like our skin, problems arise in the bowel when this lining gets toxic, inflamed or damaged as a result of our lifestyle choices.
Rule number one when it comes to maintaining the bowel is water. The primary function of our colon is the reabsorption of water and when we are not taking in enough pure, clean water we are asking for problems, most specifically constipation. Rule number two is fiber. Fiber acts as a scrub-brush for the intestines keeping them cleaned out, but also stimulating the muscular contractions so that bowel material moves along at a healthy pace. Fiber also serves a lesser-known function and that is as a pre-biotic. A pre-biotic is the food source for the pro-biotic bacteria that set up residence in our colon. You can always take a fiber supplement, but the preferred source of fiber is from natural, raw fruits and vegetables – the crunchier the better! Rule number three are these pro-biotics. These “good” bugs help break down waste and also serve an immune function by helping to fight off any “bad” bugs we may have ingested. It is recommended that you supplement these by taking something like acidophilus, but the preferred source again is from organic fruits/vegetables that were grown in healthy soil without unnatural pesticides.
Chronic stress, alcohol, sugars, antibiotics and other junk foods and medications are toxic to the bowel and can cause undigested food material and “gunk” to clog up the pores of the intestinal lining. Over time, this process can lead to chronic inflammation and yeast production that can infiltrate the entire body. Because this is the world we live in, doing an occasional colon cleanse is also a good idea at least once per year. Most importantly, listen to your body and when the bowel becomes irregular or abnormal in any way, take action and make changes to get it back on track or go get it checked out.
Transformation Journal for Connecting to Wellness 2016
Bowling Ball Head
Bowling Ball Head
I feel compelled to discuss a problem that I consider totally preventable, yet, that I’m seeing more often and in younger populations. The condition or symptom relates to neck and shoulder pain and headaches, but the real problem or source has to do with posture and position of the head. Use the individual Connecting to Wellness Posture Score Sheet to evaluate your posture.
The human head filled with circulating blood weighs about the same as a full-sized bowling ball. In saying this, yes, I realize I sound like the kid from Jerry Maguire; but it’s a very real thing. When head posture is where it’s designed to be – with the ears directly above the shoulders, hips, and ankles there’s very little problem. However, as is so common, when the head starts to shift forward, this creates unnecessary tension on the neck, shoulder and upper back muscles that causes pain in these areas as well as tension headaches and spinal misalignments. Think of this as if you were holding a bowling ball with arms outstretched away from your body. It gets heavy and pulls on the muscles.
This forward carriage of the head has always been common as posture is compromised by sitting in front of a computer, driving a car, or reading. I believe the reason I’m seeing this more often and in younger people has everything to do with smart-phones, tablets, gaming systems and other handheld devices. As we spend more and more time with our head forward and looking down, we set ourselves up for future problems. Fixing this problem begins with mere awareness and attention to our own (and our kids’) posture. Another helpful tip is to hold these devices up, raise them higher by using a lap pillow or sit them up on a counter or table during use to avoid forward head bending. Beyond this, chiropractic adjustments, cervical pillow, massage, and simple head and neck exercises do the trick. They may not appreciate it now, but educate your kids about head and neck posture to avoid future problems.
Check out these products in our store to help restore proper cervical curvature:
childhood roots of disease: epigenetics and it’s prevention-Connecting to Wellness Checklist for Children
adult disease is often the result of two sources: accumulation of unhealthy stressors over the years or from adversities during sensitive developmental periods in childhood
A recent study released by the Journal of the American Medical Association looked at the childhood roots of disease. The researchers expressed that everything that happens to us from conception to early childhood and on through life has a profound effect on adult health! They concluded that adult disease is often the result of two sources: accumulation of unhealthy stressors over the years or from adversities during sensitive developmental periods in childhood. In both cases, they often found a delay of years or even decades before disease was expressed later in life. They found that cardiovascular disease later in life can be linked to poor prenatal nutrition before we were born! They believe that chronic stressors over time accumulate and change both the function and the structure of the brain in order to adapt to an abundance of physical, chemical and emotional stress.
What’s the message here? If you’ve followed this blog, you’ve heard about the term epigenetics which is rapidly replacing the former model of traditional genetics. This research is the essence of epigenetics – meaning that it is not the DNA that we inherit from our parents that determines our future health or disease. Rather, it is the environment that we are exposed to over time including childhood years and even prior to birth that will unfold the expression of our genes either for health or disease. This is why I always teach that everything we do, everything we eat or drink, and everything we think is either moving us closer to wellness or closer to disease. This study merely proves that we need to think of health in these terms for the future of our children as well. The good news is that a great deal of research shows it’s never too late to improve health by making better choices but hopefully you also understand that it may be even more important to teach and support our children on the importance of healthy diet, exercise and positive thinking.
So, don’t forget to use the Connecting to Wellness Cheat Sheet for Children to keep them in the Wellness Zone.
How do you fix a broken brain?
How do you fix a broken brain? For most of history, science has believed that the brain is stagnant and unchanging with fixed memory and potential. We know the brain can lose function with trauma, drugs, alcohol, etc. But nobody believed that the brain could repair or rebuild.
I’ve reported on this in the past, but another study released in Scientific American has shown that the previous beliefs about the brain’s limited potential are simply not true. In reality, the brain has the potential to build and repair its cells and it is routinely laying down new ‘wiring’ to interconnect cells based on new experience for more efficiency. In previous articles I’ve reported on ways to boost brain power. But this recent study performed on animals shows that physical exercise is one of the strongest brain boosters and can double the number of cells found in the hippocampus. This part of the brain has always been associated with converting short-term memory to long-term memory; explaining why exercise can improve memory. Other literature suggests that the hippocampus is also involved with the stress response in the body. This gives insight to how physical exercise is consistently the most effective stress reliever to decrease anxiety and depression.
I encounter many people that try to stay healthy with diet, rest, and positive thinking while neglecting any form of exercise. While these are all critical factors, there is too much research like this study proving that you can never be as healthy as possible without including exercise as part of your lifestyle.
The Connecting to Wellness workouts are simple and easy. There are no reasons not to be able to do the Synergy Band Workout. You can do them anywhere and they work great.
Check out our Store to order your Synergy Bands.