To cut your risk of almost every variety of cancer by over 50% you need to exercise regularly and eat the recommended 5-13 servings of fruits/vegetables each day.

To cut your risk of almost every variety of cancer by over 50% you need to exercise regularly and eat the recommended 5-13 servings of fruits/vegetables each day.


Connecting to Wellness Master Score Sheet

Connecting to Wellness Master Score Sheet

A couple of years ago, the American Cancer Association announced that cancer rates had finally stopped rising for the first time in U.S. history.  Unfortunately, this has happened only at a point when nearly 1 in 3 Americans born in modern times are expected to die of cancer.  Despite advances in early diagnosis and more aggressive treatments, the fight against cancer is not a battle you want to engage.  Your best strategy is to implement a plan that helps you avoid developing cancer in the first place.  Like everything else, the research shows that this begins with a healthier lifestyle.  Here is a list of tips to work on:

To cut your risk of almost every variety of cancer by over 50% you need to exercise regularly and eat the recommended 5-13 servings of fruits/vegetables each day.  You should focus on green vegetables and antioxidant fruits such as blueberries and raspberries. You also need to avoid as much processed grains, sugars and high fructose corn syrup.  Sugar has been known for over 100 years to “feed” cancer.  A great deal of research has linked proper vitamin D levels to reduced cancer.  This means getting proper sun exposure and supplementation in the winter months.  Omega-3 fatty acids have also been proven to be important by reducing inflammation. Taking a supplement such as fish oil is a great strategy.  Conversely, you need to avoid the processed vegetable and corn oils at all costs.  Instead of fried food, you should boil or steam foods or better yet eat foods raw as often as possible.  Finally, I’ve read that 85% of all cancers are related to environmental toxins related to what we eat, drink, and breathe.  Watch for pesticides on food and carefully consider the household chemicals you use.  Investing in water and air filtration and eating fresh, organic foods may be some of the best investments you can make.  While there are no guarantees, this list of relatively simple strategies will decrease your risk while also improving your overall health.

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Check out the side bar to order Juice Plus if you are having a tough time eating the amount recommended of fruits and vegetables a day.   Our kids love them, gummies, and so do I.  Check out our online store for fish oil and other green products plus UltraMeal metabolic powder for helping lower VAT in your body and help blood sugar levels.  Shoot for a Wellness score on your Master Score and Individual score sheets.

About admin

Christian, Dad, Chiropractor, Wellness Coach, Church Goer, Soccer Enthusiast, and Beginning Guitarist
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